
2023 "an essay on time" Fotografie, Galeria Sztuki BWA, Olsztyn, Poland

2021/22 “power of green“ Fotografie, Neurochirurgische Station der Charite, Berlin, Germany

2020/22 Großstadt Neukölln 1920-2020, Fotografie, Museum Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

2019 EINNORDUNG, Fotografie, München, Germany

2019 Park Project Berlin, Fotografie/Video, Berlin Lichtenberg, Germany

2018 “Die Lust am Fliegen_the desire to fly“, Fotografie/Video, Berlin, Germany

2017 “Art and Science“ Fotografie, GREMM_Tadoussac, Quebec, Canada

2016 “Munich Seaside”, Ausstellung °CLAIR for VDA, München, Germany

2015 “On the Move”, Ausstellung °CLAIR for VDA, Berlin, Germany

2014        “Das ewig Weibliche” Schloss Mediale Werdenberg, Switzerland

2013 "The Musician, The Painter, The Designer And The One Who Is Still Searching" NYC, documentary

2012        "View York" Nine Perceptions, Photography, German-American Institute Tübingen and Freiburg, Germany

2012        Social Photofest Perugia di VILLA FIDELIA Perugia Social Photofest Piombino, Italy

2011        „View York“ Nine Perceptions, Photography, Clair group show, Galerie München, Germany

2010        MAUERFÄLLE & EAST-ZuProtokoll/ For the Record, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

2009       „East_for the record“ Museum of Fine Art Museum of Contemporary Art, group show, Leipzig, Germany

2009       Pavilhao. 28, Espaco Expositivo do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátri, group show, Lisbon, Portugal

2009       „Istanbul Next Wave“, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany

2008       „my grandmother. the steppe. my love. the ocean” Fotografien und Videoarbeiten, Lissabon, Portugal

2008       „The Combinatione Arrabbiatica” mit Axel Heil u. Uwe Lindau, Lissabon, Portugal

2007        Arte Lisboa Photography/Video, Lisbon, Portugal

2006        „me and the ocean“ Fotografien/Videoarbeiten at Yoyo Friedrich, New York



2022 Stipendium Digitale Vermittlungsformate Deutscher Künstlerbund e.V., Berlin, Germany

2022 Sammlung Fotografie Museum für Kunst und Geschichte, Potsdam, Germany

2021 Projektstipendium Stiftung Kulturwerk der VG Bild-Kunst, Berlin, Germany

2020 Award Schönste Bücher aus Liechtenstein „Häuser der schlafenden Gedichte“, Liechtenstein

2018 Project scholarship of Kulturamt Steglitz and Lichtenberg, Berlin, Germany

2017 Artist in Residence, Art and Science, GREMM_Tadoussac, Quebec, Canada

2015 Collection of VDA, Berlin, Germany

2014 Scholarship and Residence, Schlossmediale Werdenberg, Switzerland

2013        Collection Eastgerman Photography, Gabriele Koenig, Germany

2009       „East_for the record“ Neue Fotografische Sammlung VNG, Germany

2008        „Lichtung“ Fotografische Sammlung des Museum Neuköln, Germany

2000        FreeLens Layout Preis, Berlin for „das Team“, Germany

1998         First prize European Award For Female Photography ‘97/‘98, Italy

1998        Dryphoto – Arte contemporanea, Prato/Italy PhotoEspana`98, Spain

1998        Award Agfa best Portfolio, Madrid, Spain

1996        Goldrausch, female artist project, Berlin, Germany

1995        Kunstpreis Brandenburg, Brandenburg, Germany

1993        Scholarship, Foundation Kulturfonds, Berlin, Germany

1990        Culture Award for „Schillerpromenade“, Berlin Photography Collection, Museum Neukölln, Germany


2020 „Häuser der schlafenden Gedichte“ Edition Eupalinos, Schaan, Liechtenstein 2018 Park Project Berlin, Germany

2020 „1920-2020 Großstadt Neukölln“ Edition Museum Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

2015 “On the Move”, catalogue by °CLAIR Galerie/Kunst imVDA, Germany

2011 “View York” Nine Perceptions, Photoart, Kerberverlag, Bielefeld, Germany

2010 MAUERFÄLLE & EAST-ZuProtokoll/For the Record, Steidl Verlag, Göttingen, Germany

2001 “der letzte Limes”, Walther König Verlag, Cologne, Germany

2001 “das Team”, Walther König Verlag, Cologne, Germany

1998 “I luoghi della vita”, catalogue, Comeana, Villa Le Farnete, Italy

1997 “Waschhaus”, eine Garnisionswaschanstalt, Berlin, Germany 1996 “Gesten”, Walther König Verlag, Cologne, Germany

**Works of Gundula Friese also belong to private collections in the U.K., Canada, France, Russia, and the U.S.A.